Park Hyung Jin
Park Hyung Jin, Nueva York / New York
Park Hyung Jin nació en 1970 en Seul, Corea del Sur.
Obtuvo su bachiller en el Departamento de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Hansung, en Seúl, en 1998, y subsecuentemente un Master en la misma Universidad en 2002.
En sus primeros años, experimentó con una amplia variedad de artes a través de diversos medios como la fotografía, instalación, etc... Sin embargo, comprendió que sus deseos artísticos no se colmaban y volvió sobre la pintura.
Poco después de comenzar a pintar, expandió sus actividades artísticas internacionalmente hacia Beijing (China) que emergió como el mercado central de las artes en Asia.
"Chaemin", óleo sobre lienzo / oil on canvas, 90,5 x 72,5 cm., 2011-2
"Jin Joo", óleo sobre lienzo / oil on canvas, 65 x 53 cm., 2010
Una serie de trabajos artísticos que comenzó hace alrededor de 2 años, llamaron la atención de galerías de arte en New York, y lo llevaron a exponer allí varias veces. Tiene una exposición en solitario prevista en New York para 2012.
En el momento actual está enseñando dibujo y pintura en varias universidades mientras continúa activamente comprometido en su propia empresa de la creación artística.
Las pinturas que comenzó a mediados del 2000 estaban influenciadas por Gerhard Richter, quien artísticamente fue su inspiración en sus años del colegio, y el fotorrealismo de los '60 centrado en los Estados Unidos. Sus trabajos aún mantienen rasgos de tales modos de expresión. Sin embargo sus obras muestran pequeñas diferencias respecto a los trabajos de fotorrealismo puro. Y esto ocurre porque los personajes que aparecen en sus trabajos son a veces retratados y expresados en formas e imagenes completamente diferentes.
"Min Young", óleo sobre lienzo / oil on canvas, 116 x 91 cm., 2010
Está altamente interesado en el concepto de la belleza ideal, que ha perseguido durante largo tiempo en sus formas artísticas. Esta es la razón por la cual cambia sus sujetos en los trabajos a una forma estética que él realmente desea, tomando como base su primera apariencia fotográfica. Los sujetos, retratados y expresados de esta manera, se ven completamente diferentes. De algún modo, su forma de arte es una reflexión sobre los tiempos modernos en los cuales hay una línea borrosa entre lo real y lo imaginado.
"Hyelim", óleo sobre lienzo / oil on canvas, 116 x 91 cm., 2011
"SoYeon", óleo sobre lienzo / oil on canvas, 194 x 112 cm., 2012
"Ye Ji", óleo sobre lienzo / oil on canvas, 116 x 91 cm., 2010
Park Hyung Jin : Born in 1970, Seoul, Korea.
He received his Bachelor’s Degree in the Department of Fine Arts, at Hansung University, Seoul in 1998 and subsequently his Master’s Degree in the same university in 2002.
In the early days of his career, he did experiment a wide range of fine arts through a diverse medium of photographs, installation arts and etc. However, he realized that his artistic desire was not fulfilled and then he started to work on painting again.
"Young Min", óleo sobre lienzo / oil on canvas, 90, 5 x 72,5 cm., 2010
A little while after he started his painting, he initiatively expanded his venues of artistic activities internationally into Beijing, China which has emerged as the arts’ central market of Asia.
A series of art works, that started about 2 years ago, has drawn so much attention from art galleries in New York as to hold several exhibitions there. A solo exhibition is being planned in New York and Beijing in 2012. These 2 upcoming exhibitions are designed to be opened at the same time in two different countries.
His art works are actively sought after by private and public collectors alike in such places as Korea, France, Beijing, New York, Chicago, and etc.
At present, he is teaching drawing and painting at several universities while actively engaged in his own endeavor of creative artworks.
"Jiye", óleo sobre lienzo / oil on canvas, 116 x 91 cm., 2011
"Si Hyun", óleo sobre lienzo / oil on canvas, 35,75" x 45,75", 2012
His paintings that started in the mid 2000 were influenced by Gerhard Richter, who artistically inspired him during his college years, and 60’s photorealism centered on the U.S. His works still maintain a trait of such modes of expression. However, his artworks show a little bit of difference from the works of pure photorealism. It was because characters appeared in his works are often portrayed and expressed in completely different shapes and images.
He is highly interested in the concept of idealistic beauty which he has pursued for a long time in his art forms. That is why he changes subjects in his works into an aesthetic form that he ideally desires based on their first photographed appearance. Subjects, who were portrayed and expressed this way, came to look completely different. By using photorealism, it is possible to create characters as if they could actually exist. In a way, his form of artworks is a reflection of modern times where there is a blurred line between what is real and what is imagined.
"Jin Young", óleo sobre lienzo / oil on canvas, 90, 5 x 72, 5 cm., 2011
"Yu Jin", óleo sobre lienzo / oil on canvas, 76,25" x 51", 2012
Imágenes publicadas con autorización del artista (¡Muchas gracias, Park Hyung Jin!)
Images published here with artist's permission (Thanks a lot, Park Hyung Jin!)

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Pintor, fotógrafo, artista... puro Gerhard Richter